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Tribute to Theresa Wee


Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Theresa Wee was one of the few women of her time who rose to the challenge to take on the top job in a company. Her industry achievements were many but undeniably, she was one of the few women to first break through into the C-Suite of re/insurance in Singapore with her role as CEO of Singapore Re. She was a woman of few words but in her own quiet and calm manner, showed us how to work through life's difficulties and is an example for us all. Life can be fleeting, but a life lived to the fullest stays in fond memories. Theresa will be remembered for her decorum, courage and leadership.

For those of us who had the opportunity to work alongside Theresa, we were fortunate to be not just her colleague but her friend and we will miss her greatly.

1966 - 2021

WiRE shares SRA's tribute to their late SRA EXCO colleague

Many of us may probably have had little interaction with Theresa, even though she was quite the industry veteran, having entered the industry in July 1990 before rising through the ranks to be CEO of Singapore Re in 2014, probably one of the few women leaders of her generation. She was co-opted into the SRA EXCO in July 2003 and served for a total tenure of 18 years by the time she stepped down in August 2021 - an amazing record that may never be broken!

Yet, she wasn’t someone that you might describe as the ‘life of the party’, preferring to take a low profile and shun the limelight. However, colleagues and friends who knew her would describe her as a meticulous ‘workhorse’ who was very sharp and perceptive.

“She was very humble and had a quiet demeanour, but she had very powerful and well thought-through views on many important issues, which gained my respect”, remembered SRA Chairman, Marc Haushofer.

Other friends and family remembered her for being a tenacious fighter who even took up a new hobby not long after she was diagnosed with the illness that she eventually succumbed to. She has been taken from us in her prime. She will be missed. Farewell, Theresa!

If you would like to share any anecdotes or memories of Theresa, please feel free to leave a comment below or email We will collate your comments and relay them to her family.

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